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How to Coach Girls is available through Amazon, Barnes & Nobles, and Audrey Press.

If anyone wishes to buy books for their town team or club team, Audrey Press offers volume discounts.

Review from Catherine Reid:

Great to see female coaches, who are still not the norm coaching girls and passing on trade secrets from years of experience to the community. This book is so poignant given the unique challenges of women and girls in sports. As a pediatric occupational therapist and former competitive soccer player, I appreciate message of enjoying the process of setting goals and striving to meet them while also recognizing the importance of coping with disappointing outcomes or celebrating success in a way that will inspire others around them. The framework of Growth Mindset, emphasizing practice and resilience, rather than constantly striving for perfection, is so relevant in the development of the whole person and combating the social phenomena of increased anxiety in the youth population. Congratulations to the authors for putting together this definitive handbook on how to coach girls!

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