Alison Foley will be giving a seminar on Pandemic Athletes: Navigating the Collegiate Recruiting Process Through COVID-19.
Thursday, February 18th, 4pm-5pm PT / 7pm-8pm ET
This seminar will help high school student-athletes, their families, and coaches understand how to navigate the college recruiting process, specifically through COVID-19.
The NCAA has put a recruiting ban on many college sports where the coaches cannot do an in-person evaluation or have you visit campus. This has left athletes feeling desperate on how to communicate and showcase their talents to coaches. This seminar will provide you with specific ways to keep your recruiting process moving forward, including:
- How to communicate with college coaches
- How to focus on your academics
- How to navigate standardized tests and financial aid
- How to use your network to strengthen your chances for recruiting
You’ll leave with tactical advice and lists of actions you can take, all developed by a coach who knows the game inside and out.
The cost is $30 and limited to 30 people. Register here.
For those looking to go to college on a sports scholarship, the recruiting process can be both daunting and overwhelming.
The Elusive Full Ride Scholarship: An Insider’s Guide breaks down the process step-by-step to help parents and athletes navigate the system and find the right college fit. Inside the pages of this book, readers will discover the answers to essential questions, such as: how do I get recruited?, what are coaches looking for?, and when does recruitment start?
The book also covers crucial topics including recruiting Do’s & Don’ts; ways to communicate with coaches, teams, and schools; how academics play into the recruiting process; how to build a recruitment kit; the role parents play, and much more. This guide lays out all the advice needed to maneuver through the recruiting and scholarship process successfully – and with minimum stress.